Cleaners+RP Corrosion Inhibitors
Master STAGES™ CLEAN family of advanced-technology products offer highly effective cleaning and with the same in-process „one-step“ method, leave behind an effective, short-term, anticorrosive film.
Designed for specific metals, desired length of corrosion inhibition, and applications ranging from spray, immersion, ultrasonic parts, and dip tank cleaning, Master STAGES cleaners+RP inhibitors are all highly concentrated and economical, most with low foam and very low V.O.C. content.
Master STAGES ™ CLEAN 2029 "One Step"
Parts Washing Fluid with Corrosion Inhibitor
Master STAGES™ CLEAN 2029 „One Step“ is a highly concentrated cleaner/corrosion inhibitor designed for spray washers and immersion tanks. This product will remove heavy soils and provide two-to-four weeks of indoor corrosion inhibition on steel and cast iron parts.
- Formulated without silicates or other high pH additives, CLEAN 2029 „One Step“ is compatible with ultrafiltration systems and bioremediation
- An excellent choice for cabinet-style spray washers and can be used for washing steel, stainless, cast iron, titanium, and many aluminium alloys
- Hard water tolerant, it provides long bath life
- Environmental approvals are simplified because CLEAN 2029 „One Step“ contains no nitrites, barium, phenols, or butyl cellosolve
- This formula has very low V.O.C. content
- Low foaming for use in high-pressure spray washers with temperatures above 60°C

Technical documentation
Master STAGES ™ CLEAN 2115AL
Low Foam Spray Washing Compound
Master STAGES™ CLEAN 2115AL is an aluminium compatible, high performance, low foam synthetic washing compound for use in very high-pressure spray washers, de-burring, and water jet cutting. Advanced surfactant technology provides excellent foam control and tramp oil rejection.
- Compatible with a wide range of materials including aluminium, cast iron, steels, zinc, plastics, and composites
- Resists foaming even when contaminated with large quantities of soils or coolant. This makes CLEAN 2115AL an excellent choice where rapid buildup of coolant carryover creates a foam problem
- Many CLEAN 2115AL applications are in the range of 3,000 to 10,000 PSI (200-700 Bar)
- Provides short term corrosion inhibition on cast iron and ferrous alloys